Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Devil Named Facebook

I guess I should begin with telling everyone that this is my first blog but that is irrelevant due to the severity of this next subject:


Recently I have made some mistakes with this social network. Adding then deleting. Deleting then adding. And for this, I am sorry. I should not have messed with the friendships on the world of Facebook. It was unwarranted and unnecessary. I should have probably never added you in the first place and I would not be in this situation. However, here I am and there is nothing that I can do to change it. So I write this to discuss the reasoning behind my actions.

It all begins with the high school Frank who spent much to much time on Facebook, an absurd amount to be exact. Well one day my freshman year in college I changed that and just deactivated my account. Cold turkey I quit. Quite a freeing experience to say the least. So for a little over two years I lived without the weight of Facebook; loving every minute of it. Well, transition to the summer before my senior year (this past summer to be exact) and there is me creating a new Facebook for myself but this time with rules. Rules that I wish to follow to the best of my ability so to keep the high school Frank from ever returning.

Here are the rules:

1. Add people from past summer camps and past summer baseball teams. I don't see these people all the time so Facebook is a good place to keep up with some of them.
2. Add groups that are necessary. For example: the BCM, FCA, etc. This is the most efficient way to tell people updates and such.
3. Add people from my community groups.
4. Only add people not in the three above categories if I have to contact them and it is the only way. But once I contact them and figure out that I can see them throughout the day without Facebook then I will most likely delete them. It is not that I don't care for them but I would much rather hang out with them in real life than on Facebook. Plain and simple.

If one were to run through my friends right now you would see that these rules are for the most part held true. I understand that these rules may not be accepted by all but to me they must be and will always be my standards. I hope this answers some questions about my Facebook life to some and if it doesn't then tell me (not on Facebook most likely) and I will hopefully answer your question.

Lastly, if you are just now realizing that I have a Facebook and are now opening a new tab to try and become my friend. Stop. Close that tab. And walk away from the computer.

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